Thursday, May 14, 2015

A Day in the Life with Twin Toddlers

My goodness our life has been SOOOO busy lately. Once a planner, I know longer think of tomorrow, my only thought is how to enjoy... okay I really mean survive... today. But aside from our hectic life, the twins have been seriously the best, everyday I tell them how beautiful, smart, sweet, perfect they are. Yes, I am THAT mom that praises way too much.

You know the thing that is difficult about parenthood is you never know if you are doing a good job. Sure yes they seem happy now BUT when they are 20 are they going to still love you? Still call you? Are they going to be the type of kids who move back home or use your credit card to buy way too expensive sunnies. The sheer guess work of parenthood is quite overwhelming.

I thought about switching it up a bit & sharing what an average week in our life looks like. Some of it is unbelievably boring but some of it is sooo precious & cute. I hope you think so too.

So here we go.

The beautifully funny moments.

- The twins love to sing & dance, thankfully for them, their dad plays music 24/7. They have different dances depending on the type of music, ballerina, fast foot movement & body swaying. They also love to play the drums & will duet together if you ask pretty please. Duet, please?

- At least once a week you will find us running around our local town center searching for automatic door openers on our way to the library. They love punch the button & watch the world open in front of them.

- Speaking of the library, they are the WORST patrons but tend to each pick out 20 books to take home each week. 1-2 of which we lose to the library gods.

- If the food is particularly good, in Hunts mind, he will thank me after each bite. For instance, meatballs, he LOVES. He takes a bite & says "thank you momma" which really sounds like "mmthk u momma". There will be meals that he says it over a dozen times & I can't get enough.

- For as hard as the first year with twins was, they are sooo sweet to each other. They fetch each others waters, always bring out two bowls for crackers & bring each other their toys (typically determined by color pink/girl blue/boy). And they almost always say thank you to each other, without being prompted. Forever playmates.

- I have noticed over the last year that the twins don't walk. They either stand/sit OR run. So any moment you see us (in a parking lot, at the park, etc.) it is always a race to get to the next place. I can't wait for the day we can walk down the street together. Will that ever happen? Here is a cute video of a normal activity in our house, sliding down the stairs.

- They both LOVE animals. Each day, for at least one meal, they want to be fed like a duck OR a dog on the ground. Usually breakfast, while I eat eggs, they ask for bites by getting on all fours & barking.

- Their favorite word isn't "no", it's "more". Halfway through any meal, all we hear is "more?". More milk, more cereal, more carrots. Even if they aren't close to being done they have this need to make sure more will be available at a moments notice.

- We love love love the little lake club we are part of, now that the weather has turned nice you will find us there at least once or twice a week basking in the sun, chasing ducks, digging in the sand & wading in the water. I'm hopeful that the twins will start to learn to swim this summer.

And the inbetween moments.

- Speaking of meal times, pizza is served at least twice a week (homemade or takeout)

- Each week, I take them to gymnastics via The Little Gym, usually with our besties Jesi & Lia. They run around like crazy kids, typically falling over their feet at least 5 times each during class.

- Because I love sweets, we typically make homemade oatmeal dark chocolate chip cookies & the kids do everything BUT clean up.

- They love their grandparents so much, they bring them up all the time -- especially their Grandpas. Papa this, Grandpa that.

- On any given day, if you are near our house you will find us outside most of the day... rolling down our driveway with bikes OR sitting in the dirt making mounds of nothing. The kids love collecting objects (leaves, pine cones, etc.) & storing them in hidden places. Here is a video of them jumping on a trampoline at my girlfriend Rachael's parents house!

Here are some pics to enjoy:


Feel the love


Weighted Plank

Go Seahawks

Girlie Girl

A window into our life


Lil' Artists



Fire station #1

Fire station #2


Lake smiles

Little Gym with Lia

Cousin Rhen

Princess & Prince

OCD bath


Outdoor girl

Daddy & Bubba


Beach club

Uncle Nolan

This girl

Sleeping boy


My reader





Great grandma Nana

Our little family

Stevenson Ranch

Stevenson Ranch

Stevenson Ranch


Art time

Beach club

Potty break


Little readers

The daredevil

Our life

Club hammocks

Rainbow slide


Mothers Day angels