Friday, July 11, 2014

Fortunate We Are

My life has been filled with such gratitude lately -- for the amazing little people that I spend time with, for the gorgeous weather we have been enjoying, for all the little adventures that our summer is overflowing with. I wake up most days with the feeling of such joy & happiness -- something I have always felt a lot of in my life -- but somehow it's even more than ever.

The kids are fast becoming little people with their own language, minds & attitudes. I am trying my best to turn princess Lucy into a tomboy & Hunter into a little talker. But, as any parent knows, there are certain traits that your children are just born with.

Lucy continues to blow my mind with her beauty -- sometimes I look at her & just wonder how I (we) made such a beautiful little creature. Her tiny little features, her kind, loving spirit, her laughter, her ever-challenged brain. Lucy is speaking full force now, repeating almost any word that comes out of my mouth. She is constantly pointing out things wherever we are, "Cat" on a book... "Duck" at the lake"... "Truck" on the road -- it is insane how much she has absorbed in her short life. She is so happy these days, waking up with a huge smile on her face & spending most of her days sitting alone wherever we are just taking in her surroundings -- almost like a little adult. One of my favorite things she does lately is her dancing -- she absolutely loves music -- just like her dad. Her little shakes & grooves have turned into full on dancing routines around the house & her new favorite dance tune is any Beach Boys song. I tried to memorize part of one of their songs -- I Get Around -- so we can sing/dance together whenever the time feels right. And each time we do, it definitely feels right.

Hunter is becoming more challenging -- mainly because I'm not a boy. My wonderful, easy, perfect little son is now on the move constantly & completely fearless. He runs into lakes, oceans, over couches -- you name it. He is still obsessed with trucks, cars, etc. -- and loves driving in the car to check out the motorist scenery. One of the sweetest moments ever was when we were driving over to the Olympic Peninsula recently & he saw a huge truck with a picture of a bear eating honey on it... the kid pointed at it so sweetly & looked over at me like "Mom, that is sooo amazing... truck, bear, food... all at once." Who knew such simplicity could exist.

They are playing really well together & I am so thankful they have each other. They wake up to each other every single morning & have little conversations about their day. They fight, scream, laugh with each other... and are really there for each other. Whether it is bringing each other a drink or finding a long lost toy that one hid away somewhere or sharing a cookie... I truly believe that encouraging teamwork is going to pay off in dividends as they get older.

We have been on so many trips since May -- including San Diego to visit my Aunt & cousins, Olympic peninsula to go camping with Nick's family & Lincoln City where I spent my childhood vacationing & where I hope to form many future memories for my own children. Each getaway had it's own share of challenges & delights -- including a 3 hour flight home from San Diego where Lucy screamed the entire time -- but overall traveling with them has become quite manageable.

As for me, I am starting to loath pushing two 30+ lb. kids in a jogger stroller & really enjoy the moments where I can workout, shop, think for myself -- even if it just for a brief moment. My age is definitely showing more these days & I am trying (really trying) my best to roll with the punches & realize that aging is beautiful in it's own way. And that what matters is the laughter you share with your children not the 6-mile run you promised yourself you would get in.

Here are some pics for your to enjoy!

Morning boy

Mommy friends

Ferry ride

My family

Beach Kids

Playing with their friend Lia

Tandem Feeding


Grandma love

Nick & his boy

When Lucy is away

Running after geese

18 month photo in honor of our Ma:

18 month photo

Precious Lucy

Handsome Hunts
San Diego/Coronado trip to see family & friends:
San Diego zoo

Lucy & the hippo

Big kids swimming

Beach day in Coronado with Auntie JM

Auntie Ang reading to the kids in Coronado

Visiting the USS Midway with Papa

Pool time with my munchkins

Such a BOY

Pool time with my girl

Olympic Peninsula (Kalaloch) with the Haney's:

Kalaloch beach fun


Chilling with my girl

Haney family

Family portrait

Beach fun

Beach boy

Little moments

THAT face (Lulu)

THAT face (Hunts)

Cousin Vinny

Our Lucy

Seaside on the way down the coast:

Beach swing

Last stop on our coastal adventure, Lincoln City:

Unposed x4

Papa & his girl

Ready for the beach

Beautiful views

Hiking selfie #1

Hiking selfie #2

Falling asleep mid-hike

And here is some old pics from Easter that I stole from my sister-in-law Cheryl (thank you!):


Egg hunt #1

Egg hunt #2