Saturday, December 20, 2014

Calming the Tide

It took us a few weeks to calm the tides of our life after such a spectacular summer of travel. Fall has always been one of my favorite seasons in Seattle, full of mornings of fog, crisply cold days & early evenings. The kids continue to bring soooo much happiness to our lives, even typing the words makes me tear up a bit when thinking about all the laughter, all the progress, all the perfect little moments we have shared together. And I know, I know, I sound sappy... I promise that I am still a multi-dimensional, risk-adverse, extremely competitive, highly determined girl at the end of the day. Just ask anyone I workout with!

Since the last update, the twins celebrated their second birthday. We kept it really low key, with just a few of their friends & our immediate family. It felt like they were on the cusp of really getting it, but still a few months away from putting all the pieces together. Birthday? Presents?! Cake?!?! Oh my!

The new way I lovingly describe Lucy is "bossy with feelings", Tina Fey would be so proud. She continues to talk up a storm & is onto full-on sentences. And the BIGGEST accomplishment of the last few months is she is, at the moment, fully potty trained -- it was honestly a piece of cake that she led herself through, with very little help (or want for help) from me. When I do ask her if she has to "go potty", her response is "sorry no sorry" in this sweet, itsy-bitsy, little Minnie Mouse voice -- which by the way she has never seen.

She absolutely adores all things babies, thanks to Grandma, who has delivered any number of gifts to our front door to make her "mommy phase" complete. Always while cuddling a baby, a girl who at one point could care less about the tele, is now transfixed by movies. From "Gruffalo" to "Pocahontas", she gets so into the plot that she jumps out of her seat during a dark, scary scene. So sensitive, so highly strung this sweet little angel of mine.

Hunts, aka Bubba, is just a dreamboat. I am seriously OBSESSED with this boy. If I give him five m&m's, he, without even thinking twice, always gives at least three to his big sister (she on the other hand absolutely does not). He still loves to sing, especially when he is bored or tired, a way to calm himself I presume. While I am obsessed with this little man, he is OBSESSED with cars/trains. The first thing he says every morning to me is "car?"... he must eat & sleep with at least three cars each day. His speech is not nearly as advanced as Lucy's, but his words are all the sweeter... instead of "okay" he says "otay". Hunts, "do you want dinner?", "otay momma". Hunts, "do you need your car?", "otay momma". But his all time cutest phrase is "thank you" without moving his lips... you have to really listen, really bend down... but the little boy says "thank you" to nearly everything you give him. I am fighting, really fighting hard, to not sleep with him when he wakes up crying at night... because when I do, he needs to sleep laying sideways on me, which is not sleep producing for me. But it's so hard to put him back in his cold bed, the rare mornings I do wake to him are like forever little pockets of warmth in my heart. Okay, I've shared too much!

Here are a few pics to enjoy:

Lunch in the Garden

Corn Mazing

Two Years

Happy Bday

Happy Bday (VIDEO)

Bubba II & Bubba I

Visit from Uncle Nolan

Too Cool



Cousins & Halloween

Trick r Treat

Little Asian Princess & Prince

Gym Friends

Bonk a Bonk (VIDEO)

Night Night

Two Year Checkup

Two Year Checkup

U Village Grandma

BW Twins

Braxton & Griffin

Pretend Sleep

Storytime with Papa

Daddy in Training

Emmie & Woosie

Can You Say? (VIDEO)

Turkey Trot

Thanksgiving Outfits

Ultimate Twins

Cold Calling

Family Photo


2015 Santa Photo