Friday, January 17, 2014

What Amazing Fun

What amazing fun we have had in the last few months, the most exciting of which were family visits -- especially those Kombol-Lewis's out there -- that bumped up our holiday celebrations to a whole new level. The twins are full-on toddlers, doing things all toddlers love to do, including throwing food, hearing the word "no" but not following it, running away from all adults & last but not least increasing their cuteness by about tenfold. They are 15 months now & continue to show signs of all their unique, ever-developing personality traits.

Hunts is just the most adorable, delightful little boy. He is patient, fun-loving, extremely adventurous & full of new ideas of what makes him laugh each day. While I always thought Lucy would talk Hunts under the table, it turns out that lil Lucy already thinks she knows each word & sees no need to practice. But Hunts on the other hand is full of new words, his favorite of which is "Mmmm" for the sound of cow. Anytime of day if you ask Hunter "What does a cow say???" in the most quiet little voice he answers "Mmmm" by pressing his little lips together in the sweetest of ways. Hunts is also a HUGE fan of "where's hunter" games & can play them with any object -- be it his hoodie, the window curtain OR even a plate a food. Everyday he fills our world with sweet little challenges -- including learning to stand up on a downhill grade with a head the size of a soccer ball. His take on the world is just delicious & really quite simple -- he loves to play, eat lots of food & snuggle with his parents from time-to-time. Other than that, he really just doesn't have a care in the world.

Lucy is simply a girl with major attitude. She loves mimicking us, loves stealing toys from her brother & always knows exactly what she wants. At such a young age, it's incredible to watch this little girl slowly creep up next to her brother, slowly place her hand out & with a high pitch grunt & swift pull pick up any toy she wants & run for the nearest corner. She is ultra organized & loves to put objects back in their place, including pot lids, tupperware or clothes. She spends most days dancing & reading, her two favorite activities -- and she has even taken to using her hand to follow the the lines of the text as she pretends to mouth out the words. Her little intricacies are what make her so adorable, so challenging, so fun to be around. And soooo very different than her chill brother.

Life is what I imagined it to be in the middle of our third, grey winter back in Seattle. Living life pretty simply, lots of routine & time outdoors taking in all the beauty this world has to offer. Each day I feel really very happy & have enjoyed stepping up to a (more) healthier style of living. In addition to my very regular routine of running, yoga & Crossfit -- I am now challenging myself to cleanse my diet of most all gluten, dairy, alcohol & sweets on top of already being a vegetarian/pescetarian. As Nicks continually reminds me, I am not sure I could get anymore boring. But I sure can try!

It's been a while since I posted, they are SO big now. Enjoy.

Playing with daddy


Hunts meeting Auntie Heather's horse

Beach time with his brothers family

My babes

Hiking with daddy

BIG girl

Lincoln City getaway

Up to no good

Swings (VIDEO)

Park adventure


BIG boy

Carrying her babies

The many faces of Hunts

Family picture

Solo play

Riding her horsey




Chocolate milk


Fave kitchen activity

Fun at the grandparents

Watching the birds

BIG kids

Hiking with nana

The Bubba

Who me?

Hunts Walking(VIDEO)

City walk with Auntie Jenn & GM Miranda

Family time

Girls girls girls

Nick & his ladies


Auntie GG

The godmother

Morning time at the lake


Papa antics

All bundled up #1

All bundled up #2

Making some food

Ride Em (VIDEO)

Outdoor boy

NEW slide

Mmmm (VIDEO)

Naked cowboy

Fun in diapers