Well, it's official -- they are now a year & no longer my tiny, quiet, perfectly angelic little bunnies. A year also marks the time when I can no longer say things like "I'm still losing my baby weight because -- you see -- I have twin infants" OR "Are you sure you can't give me a discount -- I have twin infants at home" or my personal fave "Oh, you've never heard of twin skin?". This past month has been quite bittersweet as I really am enjoying them growing, changing, evolving into little people but also feel this sense of sadness that I will most likely never have a tiny, little baby again.
Lucy is developing into a challenging, spirited little girl who knows EXACTLY what she wants. She has started to take a few steps, loves to be entertained, loves to read & will join in on any conversation -- be it at church, in the middle of a store or while I am on the phone. She tends to wake up each day at 2am in the morning to practice her speech, something that aggravates Hunter to no end. I've had the inclination that taping it might be useful one day but somehow can't get myself out of bed at such an ungodly hour.
Hunter is the rough & tumbling type. Uses words like "ACK" to express his emotions & loves all things physical. One day when he grows to hit 6' & tells me he made the cut for a defensive back on his high school football team I am going to look back at this little online bloggish/diary & be proud that a 5'5" 120 lbs girl gave birth to such a BIG boy. (Height & weight may not be entirely accurate)
Here are a few highlights from this past month:
Glimpse into my life
I'm Gonna Getcha (VIDEO)
Laughing Lucy
Such a BIG boy
All smiles
Playing dress up with Auntie Jenn
Daddy love
My little girl
Future photog assistant
Uncle Bubba
Porsche living
Driving practice
Shopping date with bestie Lia
Birthday week
Birthday week
Birthday week
Birthday week
Family pic
Happy Birthday (VIDEO)
Playing with bestie Lia
Carkeek Park with Auntie Jenn
Dinner helpers
All grown up, Mommy group party