Thursday, May 30, 2013

My Goodness... 7 Months

Wow! So much has happened... I feel like the twins have completely changed since the last post. But in reality, they are exactly the same as they were the day they were born just so much more expressive & mobile. One of the most wonderful things about having twins is that you learn very quickly that every baby, every person is born with certain traits that will live with them for their entire life. Lucy & Hunny are just SO different -- and they continue to evolve into very different people in so many very interesting ways. From the way they cry for help to the way they taste their food to the way they like to be tickled -- it is a joy to be able to experience them side-by-side.

On the flip side, I have always felt a certain lack of freedom with two of the them vs. me as their main "person" BUT this last month I have finally started getting out more, enjoying more with them & not feeling as overwhelmed by their individual needs. But that's not to say they don't still spend most days in pajamas. But who wouldn't like that? Seriously!

Although my travels haven't been the best represented in the blog, to-date they have visited Santa Barbara, Salt Lake City & just last month Oro Valley outside of Tucson. And this summer they will find themselves visiting Idaho & the Oregon coast. They both are very easily satisfied & for the most part very chill little companions. And they just love interacting with one another -- which is such a blessing.

Here are some recent pics & vids:

Dirtiest eater in the world & mr. clean

VIDEO of first eats

Pool time with Papa in Oro Valley

Visiting with Great Grandpa Cal

Most adorable twins in the WORLD

Laughing with Papa

First teeth

Laughing it up in their new stroller (thanks Auntie GG)

Most ideal mothers day with my three peeps

VIDEO of laughs with Daddy

BIG girl

Handsome boy

Surprise visit by Uncle Bennie

Wearing Nick's shirt from his childhood (thank you Grandma)

DONUT heaven

Grandparent HEAVEN (even better than Donut Heaven)

Playing with their fave Miss Lia

VIDEO of Beastie Boy head bangin'

1 comment:

  1. Ah! My favorite is the "Laughing with Papa" picture. Thanks for writing!!! I'm sure your minutes are few, but these posts will be great to look back on.
